Thursday, November 1, 2007

Something but nothing

I find myself wallowing in study and work, and loneliness (sometimes) ... But after all, I cannot figure out the way to be happy everyday, and the way to be successful with all these things; or because my desire is always higher and higher than my ability ...
I come to the lab everyday; and have new things to do; or if I'm unlucky that day, then I have to face some annoying bugs that take me long time to figure out. Today, I feel so bored with programming, and pessimistically figure out that I should surrender, and come back to what I used to do in College. Maybe it will be a better choice ...?!!
If you hate someone, then the hatred sticks into your mind, and you refuse any good thing he has. And the hatred becomes bigger and bigger everyday. It's only you who suffer this hatred, not him .... But cannot omit it from your mind (If the hatred is easily omitted, then there's no hatred in the world) ... Suffering is not a good way because there's still a long time to see his face, to cooperate with him (Ooppsss !!! I hate this fact) ... And what happens if one day it goes over your suffering .... UNsufferable ....
Should change to another enviroment .... hic ... I'm not so smart and brave for such a change (Even I change my life many times)
What happened if I continued with literature in College?! Perhaps, I'm happier ... But what is the most regretful thing? ... hmmmm, that I wouldn't meet my sweetheart :*

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