Tuesday, November 6, 2007

"Feel free like a bird"

I use this statement in many situations. Today, after finishing the monthly report which had met the deadline and now is late for more than 6 days, I feel free like a bird.
I want to sing. I want to dance. I want to go home and ... sleep. I want to take my cat out for a walk.
Oops, forget to update about my cat.
Last weekend, she wanted to go out. I thought it was a right time for her 'cause she has recovered quickly after the surgery. I opened the door, and she jumped out quickly, as usual. But she didn't run away as I thought. She just followed me whenever I went. And we together went for a walk (with the real meaning of going for a walk together).
I stopped by a bench waiting for her at that time discovering a trash. Suddenly she got rid of her interest, looked around finding me, and ran into me very quickly. Oh, just like a dog ... I was surprised about that, and then realized something .... Now, maybe I am, not anything else, is the most important thing she has ....
We went around the building. I was walking on a slow speed waiting for her stopping by, discovering something, and ran into me, again and again .... So happy at that time. I felt like I had the happiness running into me whenever I go ....
As I'm typing this words, she has curled up near me and slept .... So peaceful and lovely ...
Love her so much !!!
Since the daylight saving time ended, it became so cold outside ....

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