Sunday, December 9, 2007

:( Truong Sa - Hoang Sa

Recently, Chinese goverment decide to establish the new province: Tam Sa, including Truong Sa - Hoang Sa ... 2 parcel islands belonging to Vietnam - my country.
They said that they have historical evidence for that. But we knew for sure, our evidence is strong than them ... Then what?
China is strong now ...

It makes me feel so sad, so ashamed on myself: that I didn't know we lost Hoang Sa for long time ago (since 1974) ... that we have been lost, part by part, of Truong Sa recently ... I don't know what will happen. But it's so sad ... Apparently, it is easy to see that Truong Sa islands are far away from the main China, from the Hainan island. It's no sense to say that these islands belong to them !!! No sense!!!
They claims the historical evidence they have in these islands exists long long time ago. Why don't they claim that our Vietnam mainland also belong to them, 'cause they have historical evidence for that - the historical evidence gained when conquering us for more than thousand years !!!
The logic of the strong !!! No sense !!!
I know I have to distinguish between Chinese and Chinese Goverment ... But it is so tough!!!


from TrangHa's blog

Monday, November 26, 2007


Basically, I'm done ... And try to settle down ... Try to believe on myself and on the promising supports ...
I know who I am ... I know ....
Cannot believe that I can lose myself this way .... Maybe, sometimes, have to decide between two things .... two things, only one choice .... so tough ... Somehow feel hurt, very hurt to realize this fact ... Let it go naturally, who knows the future ... the only way can think about ...
So confusing ... don't make me confused this way ... so tired to play the game ... to doubt ...
... haunted with doubting ...
wishing I could live two lives .... greedy me ... I always want to become famous !!!

I found myself again, on this street, driving my car in tears ...
.......... drop the line ........

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Sad ... and disappointed ...

How can I say now ...
Waking up in a cold morning and figuring out I'm the loser ... Cannot think about anything ... So disappointed about myself.
It's a very hard thing to realize and accept ... just like a shame, a big shame ... How can I tell everybody I AM A LOSER !!!!
I don't know why I have this feelings, right at this moment.
because I don't want to return back to what I am supposed to do
because I don't want to accept the truth ... along with lots of suspections among them ... the biggest is .... who is the person who can guide me and give me the chance correctly (As Raj used to talk to me one time)

What I have and can do now is ... CALM DOWN .... and think carefully, thoughtfully about everything, about the future ... What I will be to be, become ....
CALM DOWN .... and see everything optimistically, and accept on the real fact ... learn how to accept, although it's very difficult to me ....

.................... I have a bad day !!!


It's hard to start over ... I hate this fact ... but maybe they're right: It's the best thing for me; also for them.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Seminar class

In this class, some students registered to hear and evaluate the presentation. Some other registered to give a talk.
I have never registered to talk. A PhD student must give the talk two times; and attend to hear and evaluate 3 times. This is my 3rd semester, and I registered to hear 3 times already.
I find it fun and useful when hearing someone talk about his topic. You can learn new things, or at least try to challenge yourself hearing some accents that may not be a real English.
I'd love to giving the comments on the talk. And almost all the time, my comments are right. I can confirm that when looking at the way my Prof listening to my comment and nodding repeatly out of satisfaction. (There was a time when I gave a very negative feedback to a Chinese guy, and I had to send him an email for apology :D)
Today seminar was very interesting. It's about the anti-cancer effect of a kind of fungus named "winter worm and summer grass". In winter, this fungus has a shape of a worm 'cause it infects the worm and utilizes the worm's nutrient until the worm dies. Then in the summer, its has the shape like a kind of grass.
The speaker, a Chinese girl, has a very beautiful and good accent.
But the most happy thing is the way my Prof listened and agreed with my questions and comments. I like the way he looks at me ... So encouraging.... And I'm sure that he will be eager (and also curious) to see me giving the talk sometimes .... Someone who gives that kind of comments ... What will she do on her own presentation .... Hopefully, I will do a good job !
I love this class ....!!!

"Feel free like a bird"

I use this statement in many situations. Today, after finishing the monthly report which had met the deadline and now is late for more than 6 days, I feel free like a bird.
I want to sing. I want to dance. I want to go home and ... sleep. I want to take my cat out for a walk.
Oops, forget to update about my cat.
Last weekend, she wanted to go out. I thought it was a right time for her 'cause she has recovered quickly after the surgery. I opened the door, and she jumped out quickly, as usual. But she didn't run away as I thought. She just followed me whenever I went. And we together went for a walk (with the real meaning of going for a walk together).
I stopped by a bench waiting for her at that time discovering a trash. Suddenly she got rid of her interest, looked around finding me, and ran into me very quickly. Oh, just like a dog ... I was surprised about that, and then realized something .... Now, maybe I am, not anything else, is the most important thing she has ....
We went around the building. I was walking on a slow speed waiting for her stopping by, discovering something, and ran into me, again and again .... So happy at that time. I felt like I had the happiness running into me whenever I go ....
As I'm typing this words, she has curled up near me and slept .... So peaceful and lovely ...
Love her so much !!!
Since the daylight saving time ended, it became so cold outside ....

Monday, November 5, 2007

Random thought

1. Sometimes I ask myself: What is the definition of "roommate" .... Okay, here's the answer: "roommate" is someone who shares the space with you in your apartment physically. And that's it !!! So do not be sensitive or expect more about this term.
2. Now I find myself as a flexible person. I can change my mind inmediately after a conversation. Is it good or not? Don't know ... but maybe because of that, such important things have changed a lot through my life ... but I 've just discovered this fact recently.
3. I couldn't find my size in the sock shelf in Walmart. So I bought colorful socks in the kids store instead (Please remember that I had no choice :D). Every pairs have letters on them: "Monday", Tuesday ... and so on. And everyday !!! Okay, I don't have to worry which color I will put on each day. Some people look at my socks and find I'm ridiculous 'cause it's not appropriate for an adult 24-year- old. Some says my style is cute ...

Never mind, I like this way :D It's convenient :D It gave me the idea that I should embroider the date on my clothes and underwears also (of course, underwears are not my thought, it's from Jingfen).
Funny :D

Friday, November 2, 2007


Your flowers delight my day :* :* :*

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Something but nothing

I find myself wallowing in study and work, and loneliness (sometimes) ... But after all, I cannot figure out the way to be happy everyday, and the way to be successful with all these things; or because my desire is always higher and higher than my ability ...
I come to the lab everyday; and have new things to do; or if I'm unlucky that day, then I have to face some annoying bugs that take me long time to figure out. Today, I feel so bored with programming, and pessimistically figure out that I should surrender, and come back to what I used to do in College. Maybe it will be a better choice ...?!!
If you hate someone, then the hatred sticks into your mind, and you refuse any good thing he has. And the hatred becomes bigger and bigger everyday. It's only you who suffer this hatred, not him .... But cannot omit it from your mind (If the hatred is easily omitted, then there's no hatred in the world) ... Suffering is not a good way because there's still a long time to see his face, to cooperate with him (Ooppsss !!! I hate this fact) ... And what happens if one day it goes over your suffering .... UNsufferable ....
Should change to another enviroment .... hic ... I'm not so smart and brave for such a change (Even I change my life many times)
What happened if I continued with literature in College?! Perhaps, I'm happier ... But what is the most regretful thing? ... hmmmm, that I wouldn't meet my sweetheart :*

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Personal status and blog, blog setting status :D

Not an assumption here, but ...from my friendlist (I want to list some of my friends in each case, but maybe it's better NOT) :D :D

1./ If she is single, and hasn't has a bf, she's always set blog public or at least Friends to Friends .... Why? 'cause she always want to show up and meet new people, make new friends. More friend that means more chance to find a soul mate ... kha` kha` kha` ....
2./ If her love is not stable, or she just fall in love, her blog setting is as moody as she is: She can set private, and then set for friends after 2 seconds; or even she can delete her blog with all the entry and nice (or bad :D :D) comments from her friends ===>>> Be careful with her, do not give her so bad comment, otherwise, she will react like this entry is deleted because of you and your comments (What a mean person you are !!! :D :D)
3./ If she is in love, sometimes she sets for friend only. And depend on what kind of person she is, her blog is fulled of love everyday, in every entry; or it's hardly to find any personal - private stuffs on her blog (my case :D :D)
4./ If she has just got married, her blog fulfills with love ... kha` kha` kha` ....
5./ If she is already a mother; her child is the main topic for almost all her entries: pics on flick, pics on entries, films and very short but cute conversation her baby had .... :D :D
What's about him and his blog ??!!!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Strange thought :D

It's True. Asians Can't Think Until it abandons its twisted Confucianism, the region will trail the West By SIN-MING SHAW Can Asians think? That's not a racist slur, it's the title of a book by Singapore diplomat Kishore Mahbubani. While he offers no answer, the question he poses is excellent and long overdue. The facts are not in dispute: 1,000 years ago China under the Song Dynasty was the world's most advanced nation. Even 300 years ago China under the Qing rulers was first among equals. Yet in the past 100 years, the West's superiority over Asia has widened exponentially over any advantage the East ever enjoyed. No civilization with such a commanding lead, not even classical Greece, has declined more dramatically. The issue is not about economic growth or engineering dexterity; Asia's record in these areas is indisputable. It's about originality of the mind and its resulting influence over how mankind shapes the world. China may have mastered cutting-edge nuclear technology, by stealth or otherwise, and Japan may have the best-engineered semiconductors. But these developments are ultimately based on Newtonian physics and quantum mechanics, both purely Western paradigms. China justifies its political system by invoking Marx while trying to restructure its economy using the theories of Keynes and Friedman, even employing Goldman Sachs for financial advice. Taiwan is a democracy more informed by classical Greek philosophers than by Chinese. Japanese leaders wear Western formal dress with tails for signing ceremonies. And everybody loves an Ivy League degree. Asia must not merely reflect on why Western thoughts shape the world we know, it must also ask why so many Asian minds flourish only after they have gone to the West. For evidence, just look at the many Nobel Prizes won by Asians living and working in America. Time and again, talented émigrés say they had to leave Asia because the intellectual atmosphere was stifling or because the established hierarchy respected seniority over brains. Blaming Asian schools for focusing on memorization--as opposed to "thinking"--is too pat an excuse, as schools and universities reflect the basic values of a society. It is ingrained in the Asian psyche that "correct" answers always exist and are to be found in books or from authorities. Teachers dispense truth, parents are always right and political leaders know better. In executive-led societies such as China and Hong Kong, leaders act like philosopher-kings, often uttering unchallenged banalities. Senior officials sometimes resemble the powerful palace eunuchs of past dynasties: imperial, unaccountable, incompetent. Questioning authority, especially in public, is disrespectful, un-Asian, un-Confucian. It is time to deconstruct Confucius. He said many things. Some emphasized order above all: on filial piety, never disobey. Others were democratic: without the trust of the people, no government can stand. Past emperors manipulated his work to justify a static order while they themselves rarely abided by the same rules. Japan became Asia's most advanced nation largely because it dared to change its own values during the Meiji Restoration in 1868 (though it now needs a similar impetus to regain its creative energy). The conventional wisdom that Asians cherish learning is misleading. In the past, learning meant passing imperial exams that led to well-paid jobs in the civil service. It's not altogether different in modern Asia. Learning for its own sake is considered a luxury, if not a financial waste, unless it also leads to an attractive income stream. The twisted Confucian philosophy passed on by generations has played a damnable role in denting Asian creative thinking. U.S.-trained physicist Woo Chia-wei, president of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, believes the Confucian stress on order is a major obstacle to creative thinking that has sometimes affected even his own instincts. All important advances in knowledge involve substantial revision or rejection of an existing framework. Scientists call that a paradigm shift. Order for the sake of order is the opposite of creative thinking. Which Asian society, informed by home-grown precepts, is most likely to nurture and keep at home a future generation able to write better software than Microsoft, find a cure for cancer and replace quantum mechanics with a Theory of Everything, now the Holy Grail of physics? The odds are not good, but the best bet is Taiwan. Alone among Asian societies it possesses the right combination of institutions that allow talent to blossom. Institutionalized disputes and a respect for opposing viewpoints, publicly aired, are not just about political democracy, they are fundamental to creative thinking. They act as a filter so that a rare gem may be found among the intellectual garbage. It takes only a few powerful ideas to change the world. If Japan, China and the rest of Asia--perhaps even India--ever manage to cast aside mind-numbing communist, Confucian and caste values, then the region's talents could one day dominate the Nobel Prize lists, enriching the world through intellectual property, not property development. And they will be doing their creative thinking right here in Asia. Eventually, someone might even ask, "Can Westerners think?"

==> Somehow agree with that !!!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Blogging in here

'Cause some bugs in 360yahoo, I gonna start a new page on here.
Hehe, just wanna try something new :)
This idea derives from one of my favourite blogger **Eve** on 360yahoo (favourite, not my friends in friendlist):
"It is not as much of a social networking site as 360 is---but seems to be more of a platform for writers."
Join me? :D