Sunday, May 25, 2008

Go home :D

It's not so excited with the feeling "take a vacation back home" because of many reasons. One of the important one is HIM :p It's really difficult to be apart. Wish he could come home with me (But if this wish came true, lots of problems could happen: for instant: I couldn't hang out with my ex's (j/k) hehe ... so finally, I came home alone ... on my own ... seeing him standing out of the line in queue for checking, saying good bye to me ... tough ... we had not had enough time together ...

The flight was so crowded ... and ... annoying ... Long long time I have not heart the annoying noise when children cry ... Delay ... and delay ... and delay ... that's what I heard ...

Sitting between two old men. They couldn't stop talking to each other so loudly ... and I ... sitting between them ... suffer some kinds of language from Indonesia, and English, sometimes .... And they all the time hit/touch/or whatever unintentionally (hope so) to my arms ... couldn't sleep !!!

The food was bad ... Or because I'm so ...tough (as always) ... Luckily, my bf made some fried rice for me ... very good food in many kinds of good food he has made so far ... (So adorable ... I love him this way :D)

Stuck in Taipei for the next flight, 7 hours more because of the delay !!!! ... The service in here is not good: Phone card makes people confused. Some people working in the aiport cannot speak English ...

... Update later :D